Chemtrails are NOT a conspiracy theory. They are very real, and are hurting your environment as well as your personal health.
Do you think that the bio weapon Covid Vax is the only bio weapon in Bill Gate's bag of dirty tricks?
If you do, then you are not awake!
We ALL need to learn as much as we can about this bio weapon that we are breathing in on a daily basis. The satanic globalists are not only ruining the economy and government as we know it, they are attacking all of God's creation.
Please visit and research about what is really happening!
We are at war folks, and we need to wake up to the fact that 21st century warfare is being wages with chemicals and invisible bio weapons.
Chemtrails ARE A BIO WEAPON!.
Get informed, learn how to de tox your body from these deadly chemicals that you are being sprayed with.
We are being sprayed like insects. It is WAY PAST TIME to join the fight against the globalists as they commit the largest crimes in the history of the world!
Again, visit
Check out these pictures