We all feel that "the powers that be" are doing their best to collapse our society. They are evil people.
We can beat these "horribles" by making them irrelevant and how we do that is to become self sufficient. The best place to start will be to have a secure food supply.
If you have survival food ,you are ok for just a short amount of time. When you run out, then what?
This plan is not deluxe as far as having all of your favorites, but it will keep you alive and in decent shape.
The goal is to NEVER rely on the food suppliers again as the food is soon to be laced with nanobots and chemicals that are not added to help you.
Start with finding a source of NON GMO grains. Corn, Wheat, Rice, Beans, Dry Peas, Rye, Lentils and similar dry grain.
Buy a hand crank grinding mill to process the grain into meal and flour.
Through the centuries, armies have been sustained with these grains as their main source of food.
Next, secure a wide variety of Heirloom, open pollinated non GMO garden seeds. Even if you do not or can not garden, acquire a good bunch of seeds. They will be like money as you can use these seeds as trading stock.
If you can garden, then plan to produce enough to get you through the year.
Beans are a good source of protein, but if you can, raise a few chickens. I would buy good layers as eggs will be a great addition to your diet.
If you have a homestead, then a few cows and a bull would be essential. I know most are not in the position to do this, so for those, seek out local farmers and contract buying your meat directly through them.
DO NOT BUY MEAT AT WALMART...... The big corporations are adding chemicals to harm you in their raw meat.
Finally, BECOME AN EXPERT in identifying every native plant in your region. Learn the nutritional value and the medicinal value of each plant. You will be amazed at the vitamins and minerals that are literally under your feet.
As you search out these plants, use a non tainted search engine. Google is choked down so much you will not find everything you need. I suggest Yandex as a good non cencored search engine.
Learn to become an expert in preserving food. Canning, De-hydrating, Freeze Drying, Smoking, Salt Preservation and any other method you can think of!
Remember, your survival depends on YOU!