I want to wish all of my listeners and blog post readers the very best in 2022.
This year will be a pivotal year, this I am sure of.
So, I advise you all to "take the bull by the horns" and focus your attention on steering your lives in the right direction. I believe that the "elites" are going to throw us many curveballs in 2022.
Do not let them get you down or spoil your plans. Go steadily from one success to another, all year long.
Take full control of 2022 and make it YOUR year.
Never give up, never surrender and stand firm in your Faith in God, country, family and all things good.
The people are being sorted out, and the fact that you are here leads me to believe that you are one of them who is wide awake. Count that as a blessing from God as he is separating the wheat from the chaff.
2022 will be growing year for me and my efforts as a broadcaster and as a blogger.
I am glad that you have chosen to come along and share the journey with me!
Jim Calhoun